
Game Grabber Machine

We've made the process as easy we can. We'll guide you through the short process, to help you get started as fast as you want. If you find that the guide isn't completely clear, you can just send us an email with your question, and our support staff will show you the next step.Grab A Copy Click Here

The network has almost everything you could want - over six million files! If it's interested someone, somewhere, chances are, it's on the network.

The software is completely free of charge. What you pay goes towards supporting our technical team and paying for the creation of more user guides. If you're unsatisfied, you can always cancel your membership and keep the software.

Because Mac computers are used somewhat less, there's a smaller variety of programs. However, we've located some of the best programs available for your use!

Our software is completely AOL-friendly!

Our technical staff is always available to answer your questions. We guarantee an answer within seventy-two hours at the very most!

We provide free copies of several leading media players. For music, we recommend the use of Windows Media Player (version 7 of higher).

Faster connections will give you faster downloads, but a standard dial-up connection will work fine.Grab A Copy Click Here

It really depends on the speed of your connection. With a regular 56.6 Kbps modem, a three megabyte will take about seven minutes to download. Larger files will take more time to download. Games, especially, can vary in size, from ones that can fit on a diskette to requiring an entire DVD.

If you can't find your files, you should try again in an hour or two. Users are connecting and disconnecting constantly, and it's likely that a user with what you want will connect sooner or later. Just keep trying!

The speed of your downloads will vary depending on your connection and that of your source. The limit is often one or the other.

When I open the software, it does not want to connect to the server.
This is due to firewall software on your computer blocking the network traffic. The program cannot connect if your firewall is blocking access.
If you have Windows XP, disable the XP firewall in the systems settings in the control panel. To do so, simply follow these directions:
1. Click on the START button (lower left corner of Desktop). Go: Start, Settings, Control Panel.
2. Double-click Networking and Internet Connections, and then click Network Connections.
3. Right-click the connection on which you would like to disable the Firewall, and then click Properties.
4. On the Advanced tab, click the box to clear the option to Protect my computer or network.
You don't have to completely disable the built-in Windows XP firewall.
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